International Travel Experiences

Please supply your recent experiences with traveling abroad using the format below plus your comment / narrative. This is intended to collect experiences AT THE PORT OF ENTRY IN THE FOREIGN COUNTRYFall 2013 and later and being detained, denied or allowed in. NOT about re-entering the US and secondary inspection.

It is assumed that there were no issues before Fall 2013 / early 2014 and that there is always a secondary inspection in some form upon returning to the United States.

In the interest of organization please copy and paste the list and write your details between / over the ***.  Any comments should be in direct response to the country in question.

1. Destination Country: ***
1a.Does this country require a Visa?: *** yes / no ***
1b.If Visa required, was the application denied (reasons): *** yes / no (reasons) ***

2. Date of Travel: *** Fall 2013 or later ***

3. Issues: *** denied entry / detained / etc ***
3a.If denied, was there a reason given?: ***

4. Currently registered: *** yes / no ***
4a.If yes, on public web site: *** yes / no ***
4b.If no longer required to register, reason for termination: *** Expiration / Court Order / Other ***

5. Offense child related: *** yes / no  ***

6. Offense Level: *** Misdemeanor / Felony ***

7. Conviction expunged or dismissed: *** yes / no ***

8. State of registration (current or former): ***

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1. Destination Country: Singapore
1a.Does this country require a Visa?: no
1b.If Visa required, was the application denied (reasons): *** yes / no (reasons) ***

2. Date of Travel: April 2016

3. Issues: denied entry
3a.If denied, was there a reason given?: no

4. Currently registered: yes
4a.If yes, on public web site: yes
4b.If no longer required to register, reason for termination: *** Expiration / Court Order / Other ***

5. Offense child related: NO

6. Offense Level: Felony

7. Conviction expunged or dismissed: no

8. State of registration (current or former): FL

My purpose of travel was for business. Now my job is sending me to Mexico though were I am likely to be denied entry as well from what I’ve read online.

1. Destination Country: Singapore
1a.Does this country require a Visa?: no
1b.If Visa required, was the application denied (reasons): *** yes / no (reasons) ***

2. Date of Travel: April 2016

3. Issues: denied entry
3a.If denied, was there a reason given?: no

4. Currently registered: yes
4a.If yes, on public web site: yes
4b.If no longer required to register, reason for termination: *** Expiration / Court Order / Other ***

5. Offense child related: NO

6. Offense Level: Felony

7. Conviction expunged or dismissed: no

8. State of registration (current or former): FL

My purpose of travel was for business. Now my job is sending me to Mexico though were I am likely to be denied entry as well from what I’ve read online.

St Maartin (St Martin) Does anyone have any information about traveling here? I am hoping to plan a vacation here. Thanks!

I was convicted of a misdeamenor sex offense in New York State in 1994 and was on the New York State Registry for 20+ years as a Level 2 offender. Recently, I successfully petitioned NYS to Lower my risk level to Level 1, and was therefore relieved of my duty to register in NYS. As of May 2016, I am no longer listed on the NYSOR or in the SMART national database.

Does anyone have any experience with International travel after being removed from the registry? I haven’t traveled internationally since 2012, so I have no idea if my travel will trigger an alert or notification. I would appreciate hearing any insights on this, or how I might find out about this (other than traveling and being denied).

Thanks, guys. And I appreciate all the great information here very much!

Dave, My name was removed from the registry back in March and i will be going overseas in 2 weeks to find my family and children. I was a Level 1 and went to Asia with no problem. The Philippines is where I was denied in 2013. I will let everyone know what happens

Erwin, my family is somewhere now in Singapore. I have never had a problem entering there. I was Blacklisted from the Philippines back in 2013 when I did an extended stay visa which prompted a background check. Thanks to the US Embassy who provided Philippine Immigration of my RSO status. But I know that when removed from any registry you have to wait 10 years before you can petition Philippine Immigration to be lifted off the blacklist to reenter the country or if you can get lots of money to the right people in Immigration they would be happy to remove you. Last February my wife said goodbye to me because of IML. My family is not allowed here in the states because of the Adam Walsh Act. My girls are 10 and 11. And its tearing me apart not having any contact with them. My wife told me before she said goodbye to live my life now and be happy because I am full of so much hate for our government. I just wonder what was told to my girls of what happened to me. All e mail addresses and phone numbers have been changed. Even her families. Does our government care? Shit no. Our government has so much hate for us it’s pathetic. But I will tell you this, I will be at that rally in Oakland. Even though I am no longer on a registry I still feel like a prisoner in this filthy country. I hid and remained silenced since 1989. I will be silent no longer.

so with the Megan’s law that the President just signed, it says that besides registering 21 days prior to departure for international travel, US will also notify the destination country that an RSO is visiting. So they are going to send out notifications to every country in the world or there’s a specific countries that are not going to receive the notification because there’s no such system in place? Been able to enter Thailand fine and now I don’t know anymore.

1. Destination Country: Thailand
1a.Does this country require a Visa?: ***no ***
1b.If Visa required, was the application denied (reasons):

2. Date of Travel: 8/25/16

3. Issues: *** denied entry / detained
3a.If denied, was there a reason given?: ICE sent a letter out to stating my conviction and that I am SO

4. Currently registered: *** yes
4a.If yes, on public web site: *** no ***
4b.If no longer required to register, reason for termination

5. Offense child related: *** yes

6. Offense Level: *** Felony ***

7. Conviction expunged or dismissed: *** no ***

8. State of registration (current or former): Massachusetts

Convicted of possession of child porn in 2011. Served and finish 5 yrs probation. No jail time. Level 1 SOR. No public record. Met by Thai immigration police while getting off the plane. They showed me the ICE letter and denied my entry. I had to buy my own ticket and fly back. Lost hundreds of dollars in hotel reservations. I did not know RSO have international travel restrictions prior to this. Very scared and sad. Now I don’t know which country I can or cannot go. I know there’s a bulls eye on my back now. Anyone can recommend a good lawyer for this? I read through this entire forum and don’t think a lawyer can help but I’d want to ask anyway.

1. Destination Country: Japan
1a.Does this country require a Visa?: no

2. Date of Travel: *** September 2016

3. Issues: none

4. Currently registered: *** yes
4a.If yes, on public web site: / no
5. Offense child related: yes

6. Offense Level: Misdemeanor
7. Conviction expunged or dismissed: no ***

8. State of registration (current or former): CA

currently in summary probation. No issues.

Anyone knows if Europe start denying RSO now? I did not have to register 21 days before, but now I have to due to Megan’s law. I cannot find information if someone registers at least 21 days can go to Europe or not. Some reporter here said can enter but it does not say 21 days registration required or not, and the post appears to be older than/before the Megan’s law.

“SORNA’s baseline standards that jurisdictions were required to have their offenders inform them of any intended international travel at least 21 days prior to that travel taking place.” So if I interpret this correctly, I have to notify right at 21 days before my traveling plan? Or any days within 21 days to my departure time? Meaning, can I just give them full itinerary 2-3 days before my departure? I don’t like planning vacation.

Has anyone traveled to Germany or Austria? If so, did you run into any trouble upon entering?

I am a RSO and planning to travel to India. Any one get denied entering India?
My case was in Texas and transferred to California because I was a California resident. I am on a 5 year probation . Now I need to travel to India for family reason and my lawyer was able to get the approval from the Texas Judge for me to travel to India. But California doesn’t not allow for international travel and I was told by the Texas court that if I still want to travel, I can transfer to Texas , finish my travel and After I get back, they can start a process to transfer me back to California . In that case anyone know where to inform my travel plans and iterinery . Texas or California ?

I was convicted in the US (state of Illinois) in November 2006 of possession of child pornography (no production or distribution charged). I received a sentence of 30 months probation (no prison). I was also placed on lifetime sex offender registry (mandatory for all sex offences in Illinois).

My wife and I traveled to the UK in 2014 and, although I had traveled to the UK many times before, I was denied entry at Heathrow airport (customs found my record from the US on their computer) and made me purchase a ticket back to Chicago. This was in pre-IML days but I did notify LE in Chicago three days before leaving (the rule in Illinois). Still, I popped up on the UK computer with all the details of my conviction.

I have read about the UK Rehabilitation of Offenders Act and wonder if I could use that to be permitted to visit the UK some time in the future. My wife and I traveled to London many times in the past and would love to visit again.

I wouldn’t know how to proceed with this process and would be ready to engage an attorney to help. Anyone had any experience with this or know of an lawyer in London I could contact?

On a similar note, can a US RSO use the Criminal Rehabilitation Act in Canada to be able to travel to that country? I found a link to a government website about it but it’s pretty complex. Anyone go through this process and actually enter Canada.

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